Alfajiri Villa Resort Mombasa Kenya

Alfajiri Villa Resort Mombasa Kenya

Blog Article

Alfajiri Villas was once described to me as decadence bordering on insanity, and they are probably right.

Just imagine three villas, one sleeps four, the next one six, and the third one eight, and the last one is totally private!!

In fact you can rent the whole place if you have the funds and the desire for complete absolute and utter privacy.

Obviously it doesnt come cheap, so what do you get for your money.

Apart from one of the finest villas in the world, there are private butlers, and two nannies for your children!!

Alfajiri is a very child friendly place, and children just love being spoilt

As you might imagine everything you could possibly want is included in the price, so whatever you want 익스피디아할인코드 to do, be it swimming, snorkelling, golf, ngalawa sailing, and lots more.

The largest villa has its own pool, and the other two share 익스피디아항공권 an infinity pool, and we found the smaller two perfect as we were on our vacation with family friends, and had come from a superb, but tiring safari, so all we wanted was to relax, swim, drink, eat, catch up on lost sleep.

The children loved the pool, and having never seen an infinity pool I couldnt believe how the horizon, and the pool seemed to merge. In fact what with the clear blue skies, the small cliff could almost have been dangerous to the unwary!! What it did give us was added privacy, as no-one could see us, or even know we were there from the beautiful beach below.

I have to write and tell you about the food, which is out of this world at Alfajiri.

It seems the fresh seafood comes off the beach every day, almost at random, when in fact it is very much to order.

This means you can eat crab, prawns[huge], lobster, octopus, plus all the fish you want, and that means if you want to eat lobster every day at every meal you can!!

It is amazing to eat so well, and know that it is healthy, all the menus are very Meditteraean style with lots of oils, and I believe things like parma ham and cheeses are flown in every week from Europe.

All the vegetables and fruit are sourced locally, and you neednt worry if you are a bit picky, because from experience I know the chef can effectively give you what you want if you dont like what is on offer, but quite honestly Id be very surprised if you needed to.

It is great to be able to play golf, turning up in your chauffeured car to the local golf club where you can play without apparently paying, all green fees, caddies and clubs having been included in the price you have paid already.

This whole Alfajiri thing is a long way from cheap, but if you can afford it, and you value your privacy, you want to be waited on literally hand and foot, and best of all if you have family friends who feel the same way, then this is just the perfect place post safari.

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