Why Penis Patches Are Better Than Penis Pills ?

Why Penis Patches Are Better Than Penis Pills ?

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For a couple of years, more and more men become aware of the many possibilities offered by the male enhancement market. Indeed, this niche market is expanding at a very fast pace and is now delivering high quality products to 전자담배액상사이트 men looking for efficient penis enlargement solutions. This new market trend also implies a crucial question : which product should you choose ? Except some customers doing research before buying a new product, the vast majority of customers has no idea how the penis products work. Customers find themselves comparing things they dont know about and they dont understand.

For a new customer, telling the differences between penis pills and penis patches can be difficult.

Lets now compare these two products. While it is easy to understand that patches contain the same active ingredients as pills, one has to understand that the main differences are the way substances are delivered and the formulas themselves. Concerning the effectiveness of the two products, there is nearly no differences.

But how does the human body assimilate the nutrients contained in the pills and in the patches ? For pills, once they reach the stomach and dissolve under the action of gastric acids, active ingredients pass through the liver and into the blood and start working. Modern pharmaceutical technology allows men to only take one pill a day, but this also implies that the concentration of active products must be kept constant throughout the day. The patch, however, sends all its active substances directly in the blood through the skin. This allows a quick delivery of substances without the natural degradation that happens in the stomach and liver.

With this method, patches have only to be changed after a few days. And that is why patches have a slight advantage over pills.

Conclusion : choosing between pills or patches is a matter of taste. Both are popular and well established penis enlargement solutions. Maybe are penis enlargement patches less known than pills because they are less marketed, but they offer a great and efficient solution to men willing a discreet penis enlargement solution without too much spending and too much constraints. It is also necessary to remind people about pills and patches ingredients. Even ingredients are carefully selected, customers have to know that products like yohimbe can cause heart problems. One thing is sure, customers have to make an informed decision and avoid spending money on inefficient or dangerous products.

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